The Cost of Freedom Gospel Tract - 100ct pckg (2 x 3-1/2)

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Part Number:32
Front: Since the birth of our nation, over 1.2 million brave men and women have given their lives to defend it, and our freedom. 

Back: There is Another who died for the freedom of all mankind, Jesus Christ. Have you neglected His sacrifice? Our sins (lying, stealing, lust, idolatry) condemn us to eternity in Hell (Gal. 3:10). Jesus, God made flesh, became sin on our behalf so that we could be declared righteous by God (2 Cor. 5:21)! He died in our place, for our sins, so that we could be set free from the punishment of Hell. God (Acts 17:31) commands you to repent (turn from sin) and place your faith in Jesus, who alone is the only one that is able to save you (Acts 4:12) from Hell. Salvation and true freedom is found in no other way. For more information please visit