1. (b) Charlotte Speedway 2. (a) Streamline Hotel 3. (b) Lee Petty 4. (c) Death - People are lined up to get in! The roar is deafening! The crowd is seemingly innumerable! That s when things really start heating up! No, I m not talking about the race! I m talking about hell. Let s look at God s standards, the Ten Commandments and see if you going there. Number nine says, Thou shalt not lie. Have you ever told a lie? Then you re a liar. Number eight says, Thou shalt not steal. Have you ever stolen anything? Then you re a thief. Number seven says Thou shalt not commit adultery. But Jesus said in Matthew 5:27-28 that if you look at someone with lust, you commit adultery already in your heart. So, by these standards, you re a lying thief and an adulterer at heart, and any one of these charges will leave you guilty on Judgment Day. But the good news is that God has already provided a way for you to be forgiven. He sent His Son, Jesus, to come and die in your place, on the cross, for your sins so that your debt could be paid. He then rose from the grave defeating death. God (Acts 17:30) commands you to repent (turn from sin) and place your faith in Jesus, who alone is able to save you (Acts 4:12). For more information please visit www.YouGotOurTract.com