Gospel Centered Evangelism - By Joseph Schmidt

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Part Number:BK-GCE
Evangelism. Approaching this task has been a challenge for GodÍs people both individually and corporately since as long as we can remember and longer. WeÍve tried to examine, evaluate, and consider American culture; adapting to reach it, attempting to develop fresh and creative methods to get our message to make sense to the lost. In doing so, we have placed the culture at the front of our consideration. We ask, ñWhat is our culture like?î and then ask, ñHow do we reach it?î Are we asking the right questions? Is this task as complicated as weÍve made it? This book is an urgent call for the Church in America to repent, recover, and renew our priorities in evangelism. 

Questions this book will answer: 
´ What is Intentional Evangelism? 
´ What should form our philosophy or theology of Evangelism? 
´ How has contemporary Evangelism attempted to reach the lost and to what degree are our methods and the language we use biblical and effective? 
´ Is the gospel still central in our evangelism? 
´ What does it mean to be effective? 
´ How do we deal with our fears of sharing our faith? 
´ What specific counsel does Scripture give us for how to share our faith and what does it teach by example? 
´ What does Intentional Evangelism look like practically? 
´ Is street preaching a legitimate means of reaching the lost? 
´ How do we answer the objections from the lost? 

About the author: 
Joseph came to know Christ as Savior in 2004 after growing up in a non-Christian home and being an atheist for seven years. HeÍs lived in North Texas most of his life. He and his wife Courtney met on Christianmingle.com and were married on Sept. 22nd, 2012. He attended Tarrant County College, graduating in 2007 with an Associate of Arts and then Moody Bible Institute, graduating in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Exposition. He has led evangelism teams in North Texas and Chicago for outreach on the streets, in local parks, and on college campuses. He has facilitated, taught, and written evangelism curriculum for youth, college students, and adults. He and his wife also served a two-year term in a domestic incarnational missionary program designed to reach the lost through building community. Joseph simply has a heart to build and stabilize a biblical worldview into the hearts and minds of the church alongside a theology of evangelism that isnÍt driven by popular culture or sentimentalism, but instead intentionally shares the comprehensive gospel message in a loving yet uncompromising way.