Eagles Trivia Gospel Tract - 100ct pckg (2 x 3-1/2)

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Part Number:EAG-001

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Front Of Card:
1. When was the first Super Bowl appearance for the Eagles?
2. What was the Philadelphia Eagles first season in the NFL?
3. Which Eagle quarterback threw for 464 yards in one game
setting a team record?
4. How many playoff games did the Eagles win during the ‘80s?
5. Due to the war effort during the 1940s, 
Philadelphia and the Steelers found that they 
could not field a full team, so they merged
for one season. What was the name of that team?

Back Of Card:
1.  1980 - Super Bowl XV   2. 1933     3. Donovan McNabb     4. 2    5. Steagles     Bonus: Death
Are You Ready? When you die, you are going to stand before God and give an account for your life. Because God is good, He is going to judge you according to the perfect, moral standard of His Law. If you’ve ever lied, stolen, or taken His name in vain; He will find you guilty of breaking His Law. Because God is good, He must punish your sin; and the punishment for all sin against God is eternity in Hell. But God is also merciful, loving, and kind in that He provided one way to escape that punishment; and that was through the gift of His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ: fully-God and fully-Man, without sin. He died on the cross a death He did not deserve, in order to take upon Himself the punishment you rightly deserve, for your sins against God. And then three days later He forever defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave. What God requires of you is that you repent (turn from your sin and turn toward God) and by faith alone, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. For More Info: www.YouGotOurTract.com